A candle and flowers on the desk of a therapist providing online therapy in Maryland.

Rekindle Your Light

Inclusive Online Therapy in Maryland

Is Anxiety Stealing Your Worth?

Anxiety is misleading. On the surface, it is associated with fear or stress - but you know it is more complex than frequent worry. Your days are filled with racing thoughts, upset stomachs, or self-doubt. Panic, irritation, and sleepless nights leave you fatigued and unable to think clearly. It may become harder to maintain your relationships and career.

While anxiety makes daily life a struggle, healing is possible. Therapy will shed light on your past and present so we can understand your experience and needs. We will lay the foundation for lasting change by rebuilding your self-worth over the course of treatment.

Man standing at the ocean thinking about starting online therapy in Maryland.

Reviving Your Self-Worth Lights the Way to Healing

When you have experienced emotional pain, trauma, or setbacks, your sense of self-worth is profoundly affected. This can lead to shame, self-criticism, and a negative view of self that strains your relationships and limits your capacity for joy.  But, hope isn’t lost! Restoring your self-worth is possible, and it is a powerful catalyst for your long term healing. 

Therapy can play a vital role in the rebuilding process. During treatment we will work to help you acknowledge your inherent value, practice self-compassion, challenge negative self-perceptions, and strengthen your coping strategies. As self-worth grows, it becomes a beacon of healing, guiding you towards growth, improved well-being, and fulfilling relationships with yourself and others.

Identity Development

Identity shapes much of your sense of self and well-being. It is not static, it changes as we go through our lives. If your identity is intertwined with shame or confusion, it can greatly affect your goals. Working to develop and/or understand who you are can be a transformative process leading to healing.

Therapy offers a space to explore your unique qualities, beliefs, values, and culture(s). We'll work toward clarity regarding who you are, what you stand for, and how you fit into the world around you. We will facilitate self-acceptance and empower you to make informed decisions aligned with your authentic self.


  • Individual standing in a canyon considering starting online therapy in Maryland.

    Individual Therapy

    When anxiety or low self-esteem control your life and relationships, individual therapy offers relief and healing. Here you’ll find a confidential space to explore your challenges, strengths, beliefs, and emotions. You’ll have the opportunity to envision changes you want in life and work towards them.

  • Mom and daughter laughing during an online family therapy session in Maryland.

    Family Therapy

    Our families impact how we see and move through the world. Family therapy provides a safe space for each member to feel heard as they work together to strengthen communication, problem solve, and heal relational wounds. I help families resolve conflict, grieve, support one another, and connect.

Schedule a Consultation

Interested in compassionate online therapy in Maryland? Reach out to schedule your free 15-minute phone or video consultation to discuss your needs, concerns, and questions about my practice. We will determine if my services are right for you.